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Zdjęcie autoraChet A. Kisiel

A Cancer is Ravaging Our Country

Cancer is perhaps the most dreaded disease that affects humanity. If it is diagnosed too late, it is fatal. And early diagnosis is not the rule because cancer attacks its victim by stealth.

Societies , like people, can also suffer from diseases. One such disease is lassitude or a sapping of the spirit or will, which in a person might correspond to depression. Some scholars think the Roman Empire suffered from this disease in the late stages.

A disease of another kind is affecting America. Most people sense that something is amiss but are not aware of the disease. They see individual signs in Wokeness, the cancel culture, and violence in the streets and are confused. They fail to attribute these phenomena to one source – a cancer of the body politic called Critical Theory.

Above is Nikole Hannah-Jones, Pulitzer Prize winning author of the New York Times sponsored Project 1619

It is hard to say what stage this disease has reached. Is it at Stage Two or Stage III? The prognosis for our nation depends on the stage of the disease and whether it can be reversed.

What is Critical Theory that I call a cancer?

It starts from Marx’s famous statement.

Philosophers have only interpreted the world. The point is to change it.

So from the beginning Marxists took a revolutionary stance toward society. They were intent on carrylng out a revolution to bring about socialism and then, in the distance future, communism.

The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 in Russia put at the disposal of Bolsheviks a a country of 150 million people and vast natural resources. They were dizzy with success and decided to spread the revolution by force.

In 1920 Trotsky’s Red Army moved to spread Marxism to all of Europe, but they were unexpectedly defeated by the Poles at the battle of Warsaw. Trotsky lost prestige, was exiled by Stalin in 1929, and assasinated in 1940.

Stalin decided to retrench, to build socialism in one country, and to spread Maxism by infiltration through the Communist Internationale.

A group of Marxists came together in the 1930s to formulate a strategy of subversion. This grouop is called the Frankfurt School, from the city where they did their teaching. Among the prominent members of this school are Max Horkheimer, Theodore Adorno, Jurgen Habermas, Herbert Marcuse, Antonio Gramsci, and others.

Before the Nazis came to power, many members of the school emigrated to America and educated a new generation of neo-Marxists. Herbert Marcuse taught for many years at American universities. Neo-Marcism is prevalent in colleges and universities today.

Critical theoory states that society is based on power relationships of dominance and subordination. It is composed of oppressors and their victims. The task of revolutionaries (Social Justice Warriors) is to make victims aware of their victimhood, stoke their righteous anger, and encourage them to overthrow the oppressive social order. Arson and looting advance their cause by causing anarchy.

Many people are shocked to see violence on campuses directed against conservative speakers, people losing their jobs or falling victim to the Cancel Culture for holding an opinion that doesn’t fit the narrative of the extreme left, politicians caving in before leftist storm troopers, the burning and looting of cities on an unprecedented scale, the toppling of statues, burning the flag, removal of Under God from the Pledge of Allegiance, and the defamation of the Founding Fathers and other heroes of the Republic..

Facts will not convince the neo-Marxists (for want of a better term) that America is not an evil, racist society poisoned by original sin (slavery) from its very founding. As such, it is unworthy of existence and must be burned down.

In the past, children were taught that America started in 1620 when the Pilgrims seeking religious liberty landed at Plymouth. Now, with a new version of history called Project 1619 they are taught that America started its racist history when the first slaves were brought to Virginia.

In the former Marxist paradigm, capitalists were the oppressors and enemies. Now it is Whites, who are all racists and benefit from so-called white privilege. Whites are racists by definition, even if they claim not to be. They are part of the power strucuture, benefit from it, and must be opposed.

Since it will be impossible to kill all whites (there are too many of them), they must be subjected to a process of re-edutation, in which they “bend the knee” acknowledge their culpability, and promise to make amends through reparations for slavery, racial quotas in education and the workplace, and fair housing (integration of the suburbs).

When graduates of Ivy League schools throw Molotov cocktails at the police and when mobs chant, “Death to America,” we know that the cancer is more serious than Stage One. How far advanced it is, is impossible to say, just as it is impossible to say whether we can devise and apply a treatment that will affect a remission.

Like cancer of the body, this cancer of society is imperceptible.

Donald Trump has moved to root out Critical Theory from the.federal government. He is also raising a fund to promote patriotic education. No matter what one thinks ot him, he deserves our support in this matter of life or death for the Republic.

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